Geothermal Heat Exchange

Geothermal Heat Exchange

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Introductory Video

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Topic Orientation

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Case Studies

Ball State University Geothermal System

Ball State University in Indiana, USA, implemented a geothermal system that heats and cools 47 buildings, covering 5.5 million square feet of space. This system saves approximately 45 million gallons of water, 500 billion British thermal Units (BTUs) of energy, and $2.2 – $2.5 million annually. The university has also sold carbon credits to fund sustainability and energy reduction efforts on campus.


Reykjavik Geothermal District Heating

Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland, has successfully implemented a district heating system using geothermal energy. The city utilizes the abundant geothermal resources in the region to provide heating and hot water to over 90% of its buildings. This system has significantly reduced the city’s reliance on fossil fuels and has contributed to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly heating solution.


Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant

The Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant in Iceland is one of the largest geothermal power plants in the world. It harnesses the geothermal energy from the surrounding volcanic area to generate electricity and provide district heating to nearby communities. This plant has been instrumental in reducing Iceland’s dependence on fossil fuels and has become a model for geothermal power generation worldwide.

Software Application
Geothermal Pipe Length Calculator

Step 1: Delta_T_logarithmic (ΔT Logarithmic)


The logarithmic temperature difference (ΔT Logarithmic) is a crucial parameter in geothermal heat exchange. It depends on the inlet temperature, outlet temperature, and ground temperature. Choose values that match your specific application.

ΔT Logarithmic:

Step 2: Heat Transfer Rate (q_dot)


The heat transfer rate (q_dot) is a key parameter in geothermal heat exchange. It depends on the mass flow rate of the fluid, specific heat capacity, and temperature variation. Select values that match your specific application.

Heat Transfer Rate (q_dot):

Step 3: Length (length)


Calculate the length of the geothermal pipe based on the heat transfer rate, total thermal resistance, and ΔT Logarithmic.

Length of Geothermal Pipe (m):

Flip The Cards
Scratch Card Quiz

Matching Words
Geothermal Energy Quiz

Match the terms with their definitions!

  • Terms
  • Geothermal Heat Pump
  • Geothermal Reservoir
  • Geothermal Power Plant
  • Geothermal Gradient
  • Geothermal Field
  • Geothermal Heat Exchange
  1.   is a type of heating and cooling system that uses the Earth’s heat to regulate the temperature of a building.
  2.   is a facility that generates electricity by harnessing the heat from underground geothermal reservoirs.
  3.   refers to the rate at which the Earth’s temperature increases with depth.
  4.   is an underground area where hot fluids and rocks are accessible and can be used for geothermal energy production.

Good Job !

There are still unanswered questions!

Smooth Quiz
Geothermal Quiz

Geothermal Heat Exchange Quiz


What is the process by which heat from the Earth is extracted and used for heating and cooling?


What is the main source of heat in geothermal energy?

Entrepreneurial Spark
Geothermal Business

Geothermal Heat Exchange: Business Ideation

Seed Research Paper

Under Development, Stay Tuned!

Hands-On Kit

Experience hands-on learning with the educational practical kit.

Coming Soon

Formula Fundamentals
  • Heat Transfer Equation:
    • Q = m * Cp * ΔT
      This equation calculates the amount of heat transferred (Q) in a geothermal system, where m is the mass flow rate, Cp is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature difference [1].
  • Power Generation Equation:
    • Power = Q * Efficiency
      This equation calculates the power generated by a geothermal power plant, where Q is the heat transfer and Efficiency is the overall efficiency of the power plant [1].
  • Carnot Efficiency Equation:
    • Efficiency = 1 - (Tc/Th)
      This equation calculates the maximum theoretical efficiency of a geothermal power plant based on the Carnot cycle, where Tc is the temperature of the cold reservoir and Th is the temperature of the hot reservoir [1].
  • Reservoir Pressure Equation:
    • P = P0 + ρ * g * h
      This equation calculates the pressure (P) in a geothermal reservoir, where P0 is the initial pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth of the reservoir [1].
  • Fluid Flow Equation:
    • Q = A * v
      This equation calculates the fluid flow rate (Q) in a geothermal system, where A is the cross-sectional area and v is the velocity of the fluid [1].
  • Geothermal Gradient Equation:
    • ΔT/Δz = G
      This equation represents the geothermal gradient (G), which is the change in temperature (ΔT) with respect to depth (Δz) in the Earth's crust [1].

These equations are just a few examples of the mathematical relationships used in geothermal energy. They help engineers and researchers analyze and optimize geothermal systems for efficient and sustainable energy production.

Learn more:

  1. How to Calculate the COP and EER of a Geothermal Heat Pump
  2. ShieldSquare Captcha

Supplementary Resources

Here are some credible references discussing the subject of Geothermal Energy Systems.

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